Wednesday, January 23, 2019

South of San Quintin walked on the beach in the morning and as the tide was going out found clams laying on the beach. Should have let them purge much longer😜

All around are spectacular giant boulders and impressive dessert plants. Cardon Cathi, elephant trees, curios. And yahoo we found Mr Monkey before we left he is so happy he gets to go again. Chapo buried him in a wood pile at home. He was missing for a year and seems to be just fine.
Pictures of Catavina and the eclipse. Won't see this one again. Hum 500 yrs!


  1. Love these photos! So happy of Mr. Monkey's rescue. Chapo was keeping him safe in Chapo's ever loved subterranean world.

  2. Purging clams ... do you ever add a little cornmeal to the water? I understand that they spit out the sand in order to eat the cornmeal. Not that you necessarily packed cornmeal in the larder of the mobile.
