Saturday, January 24, 2015

BAJA 2015

It sure is dark and cold at 5:30 in the morning,
Off to the Baja January 16, 2015!!

Avila Beach CA. Stayed with Dave and Barb for a few days and had a wonderful time. Thanks.

Had an unexpected 3 day stay in Chula Vista. The dinghy motor that just got a $$$ tune up would not start so...... more $$$. Know it is like brand new... We could have bought a new one with the $$$ that we spent oh well.

Highway 1 north of Ensenada that slide down the hill last year has been fixed so we didn't have to detour. Nice the see the coastline. It was windy thru the Catavina area. Other than that just a lot of beautiful scenery and those amazing mountains. Can't wait to see them close up.
We spent the lst night in San Quintin and last night in Guerrero Negro at the Cowboy Hotel. Now off to Baja de Los Angeles for a week of camping, watching the Seawhawk, camping then off to Los Barriles.

I am having technical difficulties with the pictures so will work on that. More for you all to look forward to.

Will be back in about a week.

Love and Hugs
Jon, Cindy and Chapo


  1. Evening neighbor, All is well here on the docks of Channel Moorage. I tried to post you this morning but it didn't happen? Looks like and sounds like you are gearing up for some much better weather there, than here. keeps those cards & letters coming, the are such a joy to see and read. Have fun u-3, drink a margarita for me. Hug 2 all! Alice t

  2. Margaritas were 2 for 1 the other night mmmmm should have had only 1,
